Leicester Anglican Cursillo

Leicester Anglican Cursillo


Leicester Cursillo 2024 AGM

12th June 2024 at 7-00pm

Please note this years AGM is to be held at St Peter’s Church Highfields, St Peter’s Road, Leicester LE2 1DA lasting about 30 minutes, to be followed by an Ultreya and refreshments. Please note there is limited parking in the vicinity.

2024 AGM Essential Paperwork

12th June 2024 at 7-00pm

Location: St Peter’s Church Highfields, St Peter’s Road, Leicester LE2 1DA

Agenda     LAC 2024 AGM Agenda

Minutes 2023 AGM  Minutes of the AGM 2023

AGM 2023 Appendix A Attendees & Apologies

Accounts  Accounts for 2023-2024

Cursillistas make the local news in 2024

4th June 2024 at 7-00pm

It was pleasing to read in the Diocesan news of Cursillistas taking on new roles in the Diocese. Congratulations go to Jay Jones, Alastair Michaelwaite and Barbara Guntrip – seen here at their recent licensing at Leicester Cathedral. Jay is also to be seen with Bishop Saju and the Revd. Clive Watts earlier this month at a licensing in Barrow on Soar. Also in the  photograph is Jay’s very proud partner Collette.

National Cursillo Conference 2024 - Hayes Conference Centre, Derbyshire

10th May 2024

The By-Annual Cursillo conference was held in Derbyshire from the 10th -12th May 2024 attended by members of Leicester Cursillo’s secretariat and delegates from 26 other Diocese from across England and Wales. During our Saturday Eucharist at the 2024 conference Beth Roberts handed over the presidency of BACC to Helen Taubman. The post is a three-year appointment – although we are grateful to Beth for serving an extra year and seeing us through the Covid 19 pandemic.

Leicester Cursillo #51

26th November 2023

Participants and the staff team attending Lac #51 held at Launde Abbey from 23rd to 26th November 2023.

Ultreya UK 2023, Rochester

4th September 2023

Cursillistas were joined by the Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Gibbs, Bishop of Rochester in the Quire of Rochester Cathedral for an uplifting service following a walk of Witness along Rochester High Street to Rochester Cathedral.

What a summer - six Caminos in six weeks!

Held from Saturday 1st July to Saturday 5th August  2023 Leicester Cursillo toured the Diocese of Leicester with their Camino roadshow.

What is a Camino? Tea, Cake & Conversation – and an opportunity to catch up with other Cursillistas.

To help us celebrate the landmark that was our 50th Cursillo weekend held by the Diocese, Caminos were held on successive Saturdays across the Diocese of Leicester. These started at 2-00pm at St Thomas Beckett Church Tugby on Saturday 1st July and finished at St Peter & St Paul Great Bowden on Saturday 5th August, visiting Leire, Shepshed, Pickwell and Hinckley in between.

Leicester Cursillo #50

10th – 12th February 2023

February 2023 saw something of a milestone, as Leicester Anglican Cursillo hosted their 50th weekend at Launde Abbey. The staff team were joined by 14 Pilgrims, and for our closing service on Sunday 12th February we were also joined by National Bacc president Beth Roberts and the Archdeacon of Leicester Richard Worsfold.

Ultreya UK 2022

3rd September 2022

Cursillistas were joined by the Right Reverend and Right Honorable Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London under the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral for Pilgrim Prayers prior to a walk of Witness to Southwark Cathedral via the Millenium Bridge.

Cursillistas were then joined by the Right Reverend and Right Honorable Lord Harries of Pentregarth, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Southwark along with the Right Reverend Rob Wickham, Bishop of Edmonton, an Area Bishop in the Diocese of London in Southwark Cathedral.

Our 4th Day Community Retreat

25th June 2021

Cursillistas enjoyed glorious sunshine at their recent 4th Day Community Retreat at Launde Abbey on the 2nd & 3rd June 2021.

  • A day spent in Prayer, Study & Action
  • Bishop Martyn recorded a video of encouragement
  • Liz Rawlins speaks about new vocational opportunities
  • Discussion groups looked at the shape of a post pandemic church
  • A day surrounded with prayer