Leicester Anglican Cursillo

Contact us

Leicester Anglican Cursillo is supported by a Secretariat, which is responsible for the life and direction of the Cursillo movement within the diocese. The Secretariat operates under the authority of the Diocesan Bishop, and ensures that Cursillo is implemented in the diocese following British Anglican Cursillo Council (BACC) guidelines.

Key roles within the Secretariat are the Lay Director (LD) and Spiritual Director (SD), who meet with the Bishop, or other diocesan leaders, to consider what part Cursillo might play in their priorities for the church. They each hold office for three years – and in Leicester, the role of Spiritual Director is currently shared by three people.

Leicester Anglican Cursillo

Lay Director

Carole Henson


Post Currently Vacant


Richard Tabberer

Booking Secretary

Janet Harding

Safeguarding Officer

The Safeguarding Officer can be contacted for Safeguarding concerns or support needs

Madeleine Wang


t: 0116 2598277

Spiritual Directors

Rev'd Elaine Wykes

e: revelainewykes@outlook.com

t: 07813 738921 evenings

Rev'd Biddy Saunders

e: revbiddysaunders@gmail.com

t: 07597 921051

Anglican Cursillo in Britain

National Lay Director

National Spiritual Director

Rev’d Sharon Guest

National Cursillo Workshop Convenor

Adrian Trotter