Leicester Anglican Cursillo

Empowering spiritual growth through prayer, study and action

Welcome to Leicester Anglican Cursillo

Keep up to date with what’s happening in Leicester Cursillo with our news, reports and newsletter – and find out who’s who!

      Please Note:  At Leicester Anglican Cursillo, we take our Safeguarding very seriously.

      If you have any worries or concerns, please speak to Carole Henson our Lay Director  

      or contact our Cursillo Safeguarding Officer madeleine.v.wang@gmail.com 0116                  2598277

Cursillo events in Leicestershire & nationally

A Cursillo weekend is a great way to deepen your relationship with Christ. Most participants feel renewed and refreshed after the weekend and they feel connected to other participants and to God.

An ‘Ultreya’ (which means onward!) is a gathering for those who have already experienced a Cursillo weekend, to share and worship together.

Find out what's on
Cursillo weekends

About Cursillo

Anglican Cursillo is a movement of the Church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action, and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.
